Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Day 1 of the Sugar Detox complete

I have made it a full 24 hours without sugar, carbs, and basically anything I hold dear.  I feel pretty pathetic because I am already starving!!!  I haven't smiled in the last few hours and am pretty sure this is the worst thing ever!
On the other side I really need this, and seeing how hard it is for me right off the bat is just proving how badly I needed to do it.  I cannot believe how many foods have sugar in them and how often I ate them.  It is a little bit scary.
I am currently wondering if life is worth it without sugar...
Im also loathing other people just because of what they eat...thats not good...
I really want a piece of chocolate and it doesn't help that I am extremely aware of where every piece of chocolate is in this house.  I wish I could get rid of it all but I am not the only one living here and I don't think its fair to force this on others.  I would be super ticked off if someone did that to me.
Anyway to sum it up, Im starving, grumpy, and want a piece of chocolate!

Hoping this gets better soon.



  1. I'm starting Thursday, Janae, so thanks for letting me know what I have to look forward to... Good luck!

    1. Love you Marie! Glad I have you to do it with too! hehe Im currently hallucinating about chocolate chip cookies.

  2. How are you not eating any sugar? As in, like extremely strictly? No fruit? What are you eating, and how long are you doing it for?

    1. HI Sami! It's only a 14 day detox and I am trying to be pretty strict. If you want all the complete info you can join the group on Facebook. You can have one serving of fruit a day and that's been helpful for me. Mostly I eat tons of proteins and veggies. So no breads of any type, and no sugars.
